News and Events

Sunday Worship

Click on the bulletin below to view the order of worship.

8 a.m. worship bulletin

10:45 a.m. worship bulletin


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Join us for Bible Study Sunday Mornings.

Fellowship Hall, downstairs

9 a.m. Fellowship, Coffee and Donuts available

9:30 - 10:15 a.m.ย Bible Study


Youth Fellowship

Meets on the 4th Sundays @ 12:30 p.m.

Bring a lunch.

Bunco Night

July 23, 2024

6:30 p.m.

Bring the family for a night filled with fun, fellowship, and food!

This is a fundraiser to fill 200 school bags with supplies for Lutheran World Relief.

Bring "White Elephant" treasures to donate for prizes!

Youth Group Trip

Movie and Bowling

Sunday, July 28th

12 - 5 p.m.


This is for Middle/High Schoolers welcome.

RSVP to Delani -
